Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thing #3-RSS

I was totatlly unware that RSS even existed, let alone what it was. If you are someone that visits lots of web pages everyday to see what has just been posted on your favorite sites, this is a great way to save time. Instead of having to visit all the websites, you can simply add them to your Google Reader, Bloglines, etc. and have one stopping viewing at your finger tips.

If your library has a blog, a reader's advisory page, etc., that gets updated on a regular basis, this would be an excellent way of reaching the public and telling them what is going on at your library. The trick would be to teach your patrons about RSS and to make your library blog, etc. something they would want to subscribe to.

I found it diificult to find the correct blog address to add to my account. I could find blog names but not the url's I needed to add to my RSS account.

RSS is certainly a time-saving tool and fairly easy to use.

1 comment:

PatriciaP said...

Yes, once you get the hang of RSS, it will change your life. I believe it is my top pick for increasing productivity, and staying current with what is going on in the field.

Keep blogging...

Patricia P